In addition to diagnostic assessments and follow-up appointments, we are pleased to be able to offer a number of additional services, including therapy, specialist coaching , coaching for teenagers, and Educational Learning Support.
Cognitive assessments
The cognitive assessment is called a WISC-V (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fifth Edition) or WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale – for over 16’s). A cognitive assessment does not diagnose ADHD or Autism.
This assessment may be chosen where a child has already had an assessment or been given a diagnosis, where the assessor feels it would aid the understanding of the child’s profile; or where perhaps school wish to have an updated profile on a child whose cognitive assessment was carried out several years ago. It may also be at the request of a parent or carer who wish to understand their child’s profile a little more.
In the event of a repeat cognitive assessment, these can only be conducted if the previous one was carried out more than 18 months prior.
The assessment is completed by one of our psychologists and is carried out using iPads. The appointment takes between 60-90 minutes.
There will be different subtests for the child to complete, which look at different parts of their cognitive profile (e.g., working memory and processing speed). Some of the subtests will be related to words and vocabulary, some to do with shapes and patterns and others to do with recalling information (e.g., numbers and pictures).
At the end of the assessment, scores will be computed, and these scores will be compared to other young people of the child’s age.
Feedback will be provided regarding the child’s performance on the tasks, both verbally and within a written report.
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