Autism Assessments for Children

Images of blue handprints with an odd red one, concepts of Teamwork, Equality and Diversity.

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects how an individual communicates with and relates to other people and is also characterised by restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities. It is a “spectrum” condition which means that it varies in severity from” low functioning” to “high functioning” autism (previously known as Asperger’s syndrome).

In addition to these features, people with autism frequently experience a range of cognitive, learning, language, medical, emotional and behavioural problems. These can include a need for routine and difficulty understanding other people, including their intentions, feelings and perspectives. Approximately 60-70% of people with autism have some degree of learning disability and around 70% have at least 1 other (often unrecognised) physical or mental health problem, such as sleep problems, eating problems, epilepsy, anxiety, depression, ADHD, coordination problems and/or sensory sensitivities. These problems can substantially affect the person’s quality of life and that of their families or carers, and lead to social vulnerability.

We offer the following autism assessment for children at the Centre:

Autism Diagnostic Package

This assessment is carried out by two of our health professionals.  Information from both home and school will be collected and evaluated prior to the assessment.

The assessment is conducted over three appointments as follows: –

  • a 90 minute in person appointment for your child to participate in the ADOS-2
  • a 3-hour ADI-R appointment for parents/carers to attend either by video call or in the clinic
  • a 30-minute feedback session by video call

The ADOS-2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) is a semi-structured assessment of communication, social interaction and play (or imaginative use of materials) carried out with your child.

The ADI-R (autism diagnostic interview revised) is a structured developmental history interview with parents/carers, concentrating on early development and current behaviours in terms of social interaction, communication and language, restricted, repetitive, stereotyped interests.

After we have gathered all the information from the first two appointments, the two health professionals will meet to discuss and make a conclusion. The health professional who met you on the ADI-R will lead a feedback session where they will discuss the outcome with you.

Feedback is given during the third appointment and a comprehensive report is produced with a detailed explanation of the findings and future recommendations.

Cost of assessment £2000

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