Month: <span>May 2023</span>

University Of Edinburgh Study

The University Of Edinburgh, School of Health in Social Science are recruiting participants for an MSc project on self-harm and autistic women.  No studies to date have investigated self-harm from the unique perspective of autistic women and they hope this research will provide an important insight into these experiences.

The project has received ethical approval and specific measures have been put in place to minimise risk to participants given the sensitivity of the topic in question. Evidence of this can be provided by the study team on request.
The study recognises the importance of centring autistic people’s voices in research and the project team features an autistic researcher who they have co-created this project with.

Please see further details below. If you are interested, please email:  [email protected]


Oxford Brookes Creative Industries Festival: Neurodivergence in the Creative Industries: talk and workshop 11 May 2023, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm

Oxford Brookes University invites you to a free to attend workshop! Please see details and link below.

In collaboration with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Network, this workshop is run by the producers of Square Hole, a podcast investigating neurodiversity, employment and the creative industries. Lorna Allan is a photographer, art director and founder of Hidden Women of Design. Jhinuk Sarkar is an illustrator and educator with a practice interested in sensory experiences. Throughout the podcast they explore and celebrate what it means to be individuals, to be neurodiverse and the importance of community and support when trying to fit into spaces that aren’t quite the right shape. They will discuss the influence of neurodiversity on creative practice and how the podcast originated.

Medication information and increase to repeat prescription costs from 1st January 2024

Please be aware that the standard prescription fee has increased to £50 from 1st January 2024.  This increase is as a result …

Upcoming access events at The Story Museum, Oxford

The Story Museum in Oxford have got some great Access Events coming up in their Woodshed Theatre this Autumn. These events …

Upcoming Theatre Show “Pericles” at the Old Fire Station 17th June

The Old Fire Station theatre in Oxford has a theatre show coming up on Sat 17 June at 4pm for autistic individuals and their …