Month: <span>June 2020</span>

Meetup Group for Women with Autism

Autistic women’s meetup group – Events are advertised for this group via Facebook. The group has been running since 2017.  Events are based in London, Kent, Surrey, East Sussex, West Sussex, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, the Isle of Wight, Hampshire and Oxfordshire.  If you are an autistic woman (age 18+, either self-diagnosed or formally diagnosed) who might benefit from socialising/meeting some autistic women like yourself then please feel free to visit the group page:

Autism Family Support Oxfordshire (AFSO) are hiring!

⭐  We are HIRING!    

We have the following vacancies:

Activity Coordinator
16 hours per week, Term time only

Saturday Youth Support Worker
Saturday mornings, Wolvercote, Oxford

Youth Group Coordinator
Thursdays 5:30pm – 8:30pm, term time only, Abingdon

Youth Support Worker
Thursdays 5:30pm – 8:30pm, term time only, Abingdon

Casual Support Workers
Flexible casual work available in Summer and Easter school holidays and occasional evening and weekend youth groups


Closing date for all posts: Monday 13th July 2020

Visit our website for details and to apply:

Covid-19 Update June 2020

Having had to temporarily close the clinic to all face to face appointments as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are happy to announce that the Clinic has reopened, albeit in a limited capacity.

In line with the latest UK Government guidance, we have undertaken a risk assessment and comply with the guidance on managing the risk of Covid-19 and staying Covid-19 secure.  We have taken measures to ensure the health and well being of our staff and patients, and to prevent the spread of the virus.

The clinic has reopened on a limited basis to face to face assessments for children’s ADHD.  At this stage, children’s Autism and Neurodevelopmental combined (ADHD and Autism) assessments, are temporarily on hold, as these assessments cannot be safely conducted with the current 2 metre social distancing guidance.  We do however hold a waiting list for all assessments and we are still accepting new additions to the waiting list, so please do get in touch with us if you would like to know more.

Adult assessments for ADHD and Autism, along with all children’s and adult follow up appointments continue to be scheduled and will be conducted remotely until further notice.  Please contact us if you would like to arrange an appointment.

If you are scheduled to visit the clinic for a children’s ADHD assessment please can you contact us as soon as possible if:

– You/your child have any symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (high temperature, continuous cough, muscle pain, difficulty breathing, a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste)
– You/your child or a close member of your family have any serious underlying health conditions

For more information please visit:

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Oxford Brookes University research study – sleep difficulties and autism

Do you have a child aged 8 – 12? Are you interested in your child’s sleep habits? Would you be willing to participate in important research about children’s sleep related problems and their thoughts about sleep?

Psychology Study: Sleep-related problems and beliefs, attitudes and concerns about sleep in children with and without autism spectrum conditions (ASC).

I am currently completing an MSc in Psychology at Oxford Brookes University and am looking to recruit parents/carers with children aged 8 – 12 (both with and without autism spectrum conditions) (ASC) as participants for my research project. My project is about sleep related problems and beliefs, attitudes and concerns about sleep in  children. Many children experience sleep related problems but this number is even greater amongst children with autism spectrum conditions.  To participate, you (the parent) would need to complete an online questionnaire including some general details about you and your child and your child’s sleep habits, behaviours and thoughts about sleep.  I am interested in hearing from you whether or not your child has difficulties with sleep. Click on the link to find out more and/or to participate:

If you would like further details, please contact Julie Bennett (MSc Researcher, Oxford Brookes University)

Email: [email protected]

Many thanks,

Julie Bennett

Medication information and increase to repeat prescription costs from 1st January 2024

Please be aware that the standard prescription fee has increased to £50 from 1st January 2024.  This increase is as a result …

Upcoming access events at The Story Museum, Oxford

The Story Museum in Oxford have got some great Access Events coming up in their Woodshed Theatre this Autumn. These events …

Upcoming Theatre Show “Pericles” at the Old Fire Station 17th June

The Old Fire Station theatre in Oxford has a theatre show coming up on Sat 17 June at 4pm for autistic individuals and their …