Oxford ADHD & Autism Centre is the first specialist independent clinic in Oxford for children and adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum (ASD) and related conditions, such as specific learning difficulties, anxiety and depression.
These conditions often co-exist but require different approaches to treatment so we have put together a team of specialists in order to offer a multidisciplinary service to our patients.
We are able to offer assessments and also ongoing management and follow-up, including treatment with medication if appropriate. We have specialist ADHD and Autism coaches, along with an educational needs specialist to help provide extra support where needed.
We also understand the difficulties faced by patients during the transition from adolescence to adulthood, which is often a time when young people are transferred to different services and continuity of care may be lost. At the Oxford ADHD & Autism Centre we are able to ensure this continuity by offering a lifespan service.
All of our staff at Oxford ADHD & Autism Centre have a high level of experience working within these specialties and include Psychiatrists, Psychologists, a specialist Paediatrician, specialist GP, Speech and Language Therapist, psychotherapist, specialist mental health nurses, non medical prescribers, educational needs support and specialist coach. We are all aware of the difficulties and challenges faced by our patients and their families and the wider impact on their lives, including school, work and friendships. We have a holistic, caring approach as well as being able to offer an excellent standard of medical care.
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